Here it is. My Christmas post you all have been asking for. We traveled up to Bloomington, Ill. Our normal trip takes about 13 hrs but this one took 19 on account of bad weather and an irritable 1 yr old. He cut four molars during that 4 days. Christmas Eve I went shopping all day long. My Mother-in-law can shop! That is an understatement. We went everywhere. We arrived home around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Mom, Amy (Andy's sister), and I stayed up very late wrapping all the gifts. Amy turned in at @ 2:30-ish, I went to bed around 4:30-ish and Mom was up until about 5am. A.J. and Ben are the only two grandkids and they got spoiled rotten! Christmas morning was a blast. Ben was fine playing with the ribbon and stocking stuffers. A.J. loved everything he got. Especially the marbles Nonnie got him. We cleaned everything up and extended family began showing up for lunch a little before 1:00. A few of the guys stayed over pretty late talking and drinking. All turned into bed except Andy, Ryan, Max and Jesse. This is where the feud began. Yes we had a family fight. Jesse, (who is Amy's boyfriend of five years) from what I understand, does not drink very often. He started in on Andy during their poker game telling him he was being retarded and stupid. Now, let me explain that all the guys get lippy and talk a lot of smack to each other all the time. I think Jesse took some things personally that Andy had said the night before, and was just getting back at him. "O.k. , o.k.", I thought. But then, Jesse picked up a cat, and chunked it at A.J. - A.J. had a scratch from climbing a tree earlier that day that was red and puffy and very tender. So he cried. I said out loud through my madness" Jesse needs to say sorry doesn't he?" and he said "I'm not saying sorry he shouldn't be such a pussy. I told you I would make your kid cry. You f*ck me and I will f*ck you back." Of course by this point I'm fuming!!!!!!! I went in and asked Amy if Jesse was a mean drunk and she said if he drinks hard liqueur he can be a jerk. She then said he was probably getting back at Andy. I told her I had thought of that, but that shouldn't involve A.J. and I. So she said she would come out and be the b*t*h and make sure everything was o.k. Jesse calmed down (we thought) and I had put A.J. to bed. Andy had no idea that any of this happened. I guess Amy said something to Jesse because he came out in the kitchen, holding the cat, where Max and I were. He says to Max," Hey Max, did you know Andy and Christy have a cat?" Max says he knew we had a dog and I said yes we also have a cat now. Jesse said" Did you know that sometimes there cat scratches A.J. and it is no big deal?" Let me explain that we had this conversation earlier in the day. so I turned around and said" Yes but we don't throw our cat at our five year old and call him names, and Jesse I will not talk to you about this while you are drunk we can talk about it tomorrow!" Jesse walked into the living room and Max asked what was his problem and I said he was just being a jerk. From the living room Jesse asked if I was telling on him again. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him until he said" If you think he was hurt tonight you just wait until tomorrow." That was it for me. I went and got Andy who was playing Guitar hero with his brother and told him all that had just taken place. If you know Andy then you probably know he wanted to tear this guy a new one. This kind of stuff makes it hard to be a good Christian. I asked him to wait until tomorrow. A little bit later Ryan comes into the kitchen wanting to know what happened so we told him the story and out of the hallway you hear"Why are you guys talking s**t about me. We said we aren't we are just telling the story to Ryan. He mouthed off a little more and Andy said" You hurt my kid and disrespected my wife and that is unacceptable. You need to apologize. " And Jesse said "who cares, who cares, I'm not apologizing for anything." Amy was standing in the hallway with him holding him back in a way, telling him to come on. Andy then told him just to go to bed we would be leaving the next day. he continued mouthing off all the way back to the bedroom. Amy and I had plans to go to Pier One the next morning and return her jewelry box. I guess she is mad at me because she canceled those plans and I have got nothing but dirty looks and the silent treatment. I've been told that they think we are upset about a tiny little scratch the cat left. This is to big a mess to just sweep under the rug and I don't do that anyway. I am confused as to how this became our fault. All I did was stand up for my son. Anyone else?