My side of the story!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy B-day Jesus!!

Chilluns keeping warm...

Yum, Yum.

Here are the snowmen I made out of donuts. The black gel icing bled onto the powdered sugar, and they look as though they have black eyes. lol

Here is chef AJ helping me make cupcakes for the party.

Here is Micah and Kason. Not sure about the spelling on his name. Micah was very sleepy and grumpy as you can see.

Wed. night we had a party with some of our neighbors. It was a lot of fun. The kids played so well together. We had a ton of food! We also exchanged ornaments and that was a lot of fun as well. We need to do it again!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gravity sets in.......

Alright this is a weight loss update that is good, but I am down about my body. I still have ten pounds to loose. This is the quickest I have lost pregnancy weight. I never thought I would be this vain but I am considering surgical options for relief. Comparing my body to a woman who delivered three kids vaginally is something I shouldn't do, comparing my body to any woman is not good. But I do it. The toll that age, pregnancy, and 3 major abdominal surgeries has taken on me, leaves me feeling less than beautiful. Bless my husband for trying. No amount of exercise is going to bring back the elasticity in my skin. If I put 1 dollar away for every time I have to tuck myself into my jeans, how long do you think it would take me to save for a tummy tuck? Or a boob job? Or both? I probably would have to put away $20 every time. That would still take me about 4-5 yrs. Am I having a midlife crisis already? Approaching thirty doesn't seem so bad. I definitely need to exercise. And eat better. It is getting easier. Although I just had some Oreos for lunch ;) I'm just so hungry all the time! Adding 500 calories to a daily diet of 2000 is not as easy as it sounds! Especially when it needs to be healthy food. One of my goals for 2009 is to not buy soda for the house. I would like it better if we only had it on special occasions, and when we are out. Have any of you thought about your goals?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving and more

A.J. loving on Andy before he left for training one night.A.J. has been such a great help with Micah!Ben being naughty once again at the dinner table.
Our visit with the newest family member.

G-pa and Ben peeping.

The kids at Thanksgiving.....The boys love to play with their cousins!
Me and A.J. decorating the be continued.
I was trying to get updated pictures of Micah and she was being such a wiggle worm.
I think she was just being defiant!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

what is Ben up to?

This is what I get for letting him try to be a big boy. Why is it that he likes to wipe his hands in his hair? Can't he use his shirt or pants like normal kids? Better yet, ask for a napkin? And then he likes to see how far he can fling sticky, sugary, cereal milk across the kitchen. Oh, spankings?
Sure, I give him spankings. Usually a swat on the hand will do it, but if he is in one of his selfish moods.......forget it! No kind of non-abusive punishment will have any effect on him. A lot of times I find that I have to be there to direct him. Sure, that is my job. But what if I am not available? For instance, I was nursing Micah on the couch sitting next to him, and talking to my sister on the phone while he watched Baby Einstein-My first Signs, and ate some goldfish, when he decided to take a drink of water and spit it onto my shoe! If that isn't a cry for attention? After that, I put Micah down for her nap and went to unload groceries from the car. My first trip back inside, he had already went to the dishwasher, got out a bowl, poured his crackers in it and threw away his trash. Too bad the dishwasher was dirty!
Then there are moments like these.....
I sure do love that boy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here is an interesting article I recently read that reflects some of my thoughts.

Why be honest with your children about Santa?

Isn't Santa Claus supposed to be a magical childhood experience that enriches the lives of children? Before you answer yes to that question you may want to take a closer look at how the Santa "concept" really effects children. What appears to be a delightful childhood fantasy is actually an out dated concept that uses lies, threats and the promises of rewards to control children. When children discover the truth about Santa they experience sadness, regrets and a sense of betrayal. Where is the magic in that?
Many families claim that the value of the fantasy far outweighs the disappointments that children feel when they find out that Santa is only make-believe. They recount their childhood stories of all the excitement and anticipation of the presents they received from Santa and express how cherished those memories are. They want to recreate those experiences for their children so they continue to tell the Santa myth and sing the Santa song and pretend there really is a Santa.
Let's take a closer at the Santa Claus Is Coming to Town song. It says, ". he knows when you have been bad or good so be good for goodness sake". Or as many children hear, "Santa is watching you, you better be good". "If you are not good Santa won't bring you toys." What happened to be good for goodness sake?
One woman who worked at a department store during the holidays told me that she had the perfect way to make customers' children behave. Whenever a child wasn't listening to their parent she would tell them that Santa had cameras all over the store and he could see them being bad. So they better stop or they wouldn't get any toys this year. She took great pride in the fact that this trick worked every time. What a creepy idea that Santa is watching you all the time and is judging you and may even punish you.
Then there are the contradictions to the "being good" theory. A little girl was placed in my childcare through child protective service because of neglect and abuse. After the holidays several children were talking about the exciting gifts they got from Santa. One child said that she was so good that Santa brought her the bike she really wanted. Later, in a very meek voice, the little girl who had suffered abuse said she had been good too so when was Santa going to bring her bike? It was heartbreaking. This is only one of many examples of the how the Santa myth sets children up for disappointment and self-doubt.
At about age five children start to wonder and even ask, "Is Santa Claus real? How can he make it to all the houses in one night? How can he fit down the chimney? We don't have a chimney so how can Santa come to my house? How can this be Santa when we just saw him at another store? Do reindeer really fly?" For every one of these questions there must be more fantasy (lies) to keep the myth alive just a little longer.
When children finally figure out for themselves or their parents confess that Santa is make-believe it can feel like a huge betrayal. People that they trust the most have been telling them that Santa is real. Some adults think that it is okay to lie to children when it is for their own good. That may be true in some cases but where is the good of a short-term fantasy that damages a child's core sense of trust?
Times have changed. We cannot recreate our childhood fantasies for our children because the world we grew up in doesn't exist anymore. I am not suggesting that we do away with the Santa myth all together. What I recommend to families is that they teach their children the Santa Game.
Children are excellent at pretend games and enjoy them immensely. The Santa game is just pretend too but the difference is that all the players know it is a game. Adults can explain to children that not all families play the game or that some children don't know it is a game. This information explains why Santa doesn't come to all families or why some children think Santa is real. It also clears up why some children don't get what they want from Santa even when they have been "good".
My two grandsons, now ages nine and ten, were taught the Santa game and equally enjoyed the magic and excitement that other children get from the Santa myth. The most important difference is that they didn't suffer the disillusionment and sense of betrayal that other children have with the Santa myth. So, "You better not lie, I am telling you why," a child's trust and happiness is at stake.
Dawn Fry is the founder and CEO of Helping Our Children Productions, a publishing company that provides educational CD's giving practical help to parents and childcare providers resulting in happier, friendlier children. Ms. Fry has been a licensed childcare provider and educator for twenty-two years. She has more than 60,000 hours of professional experience working with children. Dawn Fry is also a mother and a grandmother.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome baby Cody!!

I will post pictures later but I just wanted everyone to know that Robyn had her baby last night. he was 8.6. and 19 inches long. He has light brn hair and a healthy set of lungs. She didn't tear or get cut. Way to go Robyn!! I am so excited!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Quick info

I just took an infant, a two year old, and a cat to a clinic for a rabies shot after going to the store for a pet taxi, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And it was all done before 10:00 am. I also am getting my computer time in. Feeling pretty good!!

Andy is expected to come home for the weekend.

I have girls' night out with my Aunt and cousins tomorrow night.

We are going to see some acquaintances in concert at Christ Fellowship Sunday morning.

It will be a busy weekend, and I promise honey, next weekend is empty.

And, Robyn was induced this morning around 5:45. I'm so excited to meet baby Cody! Keep her in your prayers and I will try to keep you all updated. Thanks,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Mommy am I 10?"

He asked me that several times!

A.J. made a friend last weekend.

I love Breakfast parties! Yes, I am a morning person. There is something great about 9am b-days at the park in November. It has to be a mixture of the perfect weather, the best food, and getting it done so that we have the rest of the day to............attend other parties?

We had so much fun. The donuts and Starbucks' coffee were a hit!

A.J. opening gifts...

Ben had some help. Can you see him?

Micah was so excited about the festivities!

Happy birthday Bud!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy 2nd

Started like a one year old............
Finished like a two year old!
Happy birthday Benny-pie!

Trick or Treat

We had a lot !! of trick or treaters this year. I ran out of candy quickly. Andy took the boys around the block while Micah napped and I handed out candy. Then we set up our fire pit out front and neighbors joined us for beer and fun!!
Ben wasn't crazy about his costume but he kept it on for Andy. He got a lot of oohs and ahhhs.

Detective A.J. checking out his candy....We painted his hair black.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Goodbye for now.......

Grandpa passed on Sat.

He was an Honorable Man

Served his country

Served his Heavenly Father

Served his family

Always sharing laughter, and tears

Always having fun

until the end

He suffered

But not for long

God is Good!

I love you Grandpa. There will always be a place for you in my heart!

Friday, October 24, 2008


So I just read a blog about a wonderful mom, who after six weeks of pumping milk for her baby, decided to quit. I think She might have felt a little bad about her choice but regardless, it was HER choice to make and I hope she is confident in herself. Anyway it got me thinking, about my reasons for nursing. Obviously I believe that breast is best and it seems so much easier than cleaning bottles and warming milk. If I really think about my reasons for not quiting though, I always come back to my own gain. I loose my pregnancy weight faster from all the extra calories I burn. It is also so convenient. No matter where I go I always have milk right there ready to go. It is less expensive as well. I am not spending extra money on all that over priced formula. And if I did switch, I would want to use bottled water because our tap is nasty. Nursing keeps me conscious of the foods I put into my body. "Keep the caffeine to a minimum, get plenty of vegetables and fruits." And "oh, I can eat this chocolate cake because I will burn it of anyway." Of course there is always the size and mass of my breasts while they are full of milk. I'm sure my husband appreciates them. And did I mention the lack of a menstrual cycle? Wow, What a break! I'm sure there are some things I have not mentioned, but this seems so beneficial to me. Is that selfish? If it is, I'm sorry baby.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Age the goof

Ben is getting ideas!

He is always kidding home that is. For the most part, A.J. is reserved. But when he gets going..........

sissa- 7 wks old now!

Always smiling...

Singing With Daddy

All of my children sleep this way. I think they get it from me. I have woken up in this position several times. Andy should get a picture of that.


There is a little Man in my life that brings me much joy. His smile and laughter is contagious. He has a sweet disposition that often hides behind aggression and power. He will be busy and successful and fun~! He brings a tender touch and an overflowing heart as well as much testosterone. I adore him!
We live outside for now. That's his favorite place to be.....

I was trying to get him to look directly into the camera and for some reason he thought he needed to get lower for me.( Please pay no attention to the icky sticky toddler goo on my walls. Fresh spring paint is in store.)

Look at these big browns will ya?

For some reason, this little guy has a wild streak. I wonder where he gets it from?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


As much as I love hearing this, I am that busy. Sorry, too busy for pictures, blogging, reading, anything fun and relaxing. I use my "Me Time" these days to find things. At some point in finding my way on my own with three kids, I lost control of any organization that I might have done pre-baby. A.J. insists on repeating my name over and over and over until I actually look at him and give him my full, undivided attention. Regularly, he just wants to know where something is. He doesn't believe I am listening until we make eye contact. Which is true. He totally got this from me. I always make him look at me so that I know he is listening. Great skills, really! The problem is nobody else gets it. Most adults just think he is being irritating or stutters a bit. That is when I get defensive for my children and feel that the world needs an explanation so not to be irritated with us. Why do I do that. Should I really not care? Anyway back on topic.
I spent so much time preparing for the arrival of our new addition and the post pardum state only to give it all up while re-learning how to nurse an infant, making sure that I showered every other day (at least) and getting my feet back on the ground. Now, I get to re-do all that organizing and obsessive cleaning. It is amazing how dirty and dusty my house got in just a few weeks!! Once I am finished, I can get Micah's nursery done. Then I can post pictures. Then I can blog and read and have fun and relax!

Monday, October 6, 2008

She is 5 wks old

and gettin cuter!! I will try to talk myself into taking some good pictures soon. I just don't have the time or energy to put into it right now. I will be trying to get Micah's schedule figured out soon. As soon as I do, I will be able to plan a few more things. Like potty training Ben. We plan on going to Colorado in March so maybe in May we will potty train. I think Ben will be ready before then and I don't want to pass up that window of opportunity.

Pied Piper where are you?

I went to a neighborhood party Friday night and heard several of the people down at the end of the street were having a problem with mice!! I decided those mice need to stay down at the end of the street. Saturday morning I woke up to some gifts that my cat left on the back porch (if you know what I mean.) There were two of them about the size of my thumb. Today, Ben went out to play. I heard him giggling and running across the side yard. I thought, " How cute, he is playing with Naya." I went out to see and there was this rat running the fence line with my little guy. I think we will be calling the city today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Following up........

Micah is growing so fast! Three weeks old now. She definitely has my smile and my toes which I got from my Dad. I wish I had a scanner so you could all compare my baby picture to her. There are a lot of close calls. Beautiful lips! She loves being outside which means she will fit right in. Music calms her down. Particularly female vocalists. Of course she doesn't really ever get too upset. Only when she is hungry. Ben Loves her!!! He likes to hug her a lot which can be a little scary : / A.J. loves to hold her. It makes him happy when he is the one to calm her. Daddy is in heaven. This little girl is loved so much. We all feel very loved these days. Andy had to go back to work yesterday and my in-laws left this morning so I am completely on my own now. YIKES! It is going o.k. so far except that Ben has been running fever the last two days and very clingy. I think we are getting through it though. Now, I must prepare a new schedule for our family to live by so we can make this three kid thing work.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Catch up

Pictures I haven't had time to download/upload.....................................................
Ben looking so much like daddy.


Just a few fun times......

A.J. on the first day of school. We went to Sonic afterwards to make up for me forgetting my camera that morning.

Here is a picture of the boys spoiling me.

Here is a picture of Micah and me a few hours before delivery.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sugar Sugar

That is what she is.......sweet. Waking up only once or twice a night to eat and immediately going back to sleep. She eats every 3-4 hours during the day and is awake a few hours all together, if that. She is focusing on my face for longer amounts of time and mostly just looking cute. We went for the two week check-up today. She is back up to her birth weight and very healthy. Second PKU test was done. I cant stand that test. I wish there was a better way of doing that. I have a lot of pictures to upload. No time........
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About Us

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Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!