Happy Halloween! The Boys had a great time trick or treating. A.J. got a ton of candy. We normally only go to our friends houses but this year we decided to go to a couple more. You can't see it, but A.J. is wearing a Jack Sparrow hat. I was so proud of A.J. He went up to the
familiar homes by himself but the ones he wasn't sure about he asked for some company. Andy wasn't to excited about me sticking to his side, but it made me comfortable to know A.J. could decide if a house was safe or not. Ben (the skeleton) sat in the wagon being pulled by Daddy, and dragged a pumpkin straw on the ground halfway around the neighborhood. It kept him
entertained. I tagged along behind with my wine in one hand and camera in the other. Then we all headed back to feast on the candy. Ben had his first sucker. Boy was it good!!!

I love reading your blog. I feel like each time I read it we've had a little conversation! AJ's costume looks really cute! And Ben (happy b-day, Ben!) looks just as much like Mini-Andy as he did when we left. I miss you, my friend! Love, Katherine
I love these pics.
Ben looks a little like me and mom in this pic. (?)
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