Sure, I give him spankings. Usually a swat on the hand will do it, but if he is in one of his selfish moods.......forget it! No kind of non-abusive punishment will have any effect on him. A lot of times I find that I have to be there to direct him. Sure, that is my job. But what if I am not available? For instance, I was nursing Micah on the couch sitting next to him, and talking to my sister on the phone while he watched Baby Einstein-My first Signs, and ate some goldfish, when he decided to take a drink of water and spit it onto my shoe! If that isn't a cry for attention? After that, I put Micah down for her nap and went to unload groceries from the car. My first trip back inside, he had already went to the dishwasher, got out a bowl, poured his crackers in it and threw away his trash. Too bad the dishwasher was dirty!

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