What era would you most like to live in?
I don't know about an era. For some reason or another, I have always been infatuated with the pioneer days. I guess the idea that "we all work hard to benefit one another" is intriguing to me. That, and the fact that you don't have to worry about life's hopeless impracticalities. Don't get me wrong! I do enjoy a lot of the simple things we have such as plumbing, electricity, and grocery stores. Although, I wish we spent more of our time growing our vegetables, and making our
children's toys. A wonderful day in that time would start out..............
Waking in the morning to the sound of the rooster crow, the smell of fresh ground coffee beans from Auntie's
field next door, and laughter coming from the kitchen. I would walk out to the chicken coup, A.J. and I hand in hand, and we would gather the eggs for that morning's breakfast. Bacon would come from the pig that was slaughtered yesterday by Daddy. After breakfast, he would head out to complete the construction of our fence, that will contain two horses tomorrow. The kids will
frolic in the
fields while I finish the days chores. After supper,
we will all gather on the porch for an evening of music and entertainment brought to you, by none other, than our own band.