My side of the story!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I went to the Dr. Monday morning. I go every week now. Only one more visit with Dr. high risk. So, Monday was pretty low key. everything is fine. Scheduled c-section for Sept. 1st at 8:00 am. I am hoping baby comes Sat. before though. I want it to actually be time. I don't care for this whole scheduling thing. that is not how God intended it. They did a stress test on baby. She is happy. No stress there. I did show some uterine irritability which I believe are Braxton Hicks contractions. So I go back on Tues. That is really about it.

1 comment:

kathy b. said...

Ummmmmm, how 'bout another pic of Stoli? You know I love that little dog. Oh, and those irritabilites you are having....that's probably from all the "pain in the butt" stuff, it just moved to the front! ha-ha

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Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!