No pictures this time but maybe in a couple days. I've had no time to do anything other than what is on my list. Which seems to grow every time I scratch something off. I didn't think it was supposed to work that way. I have been de cluttering, and reorganizing my entire house! From under the beds to the tops of my cabinets and everything in between. I also-Oh, I just thought of something else to add to my list-I also have been going through all the boys clothes, books and toys, and have started moving Ben over to share a room with A.J. These days, something that I should be able to complete in one day, I have to allow a week or two! I also have to stop a lot to play with my kids so they don't feel neglected.
It is also time for me to start seeing my regular OBGYN every two weeks. I can't believe It is already time for that!
I would type up my list for you all but I have to get back to work. I promise I will be back soon!