I'm not going to post all the pregnancy info. every week anymore. I'll just do it randomly. Things have changed since I have started my second tri-mester. My Face has miraculously cleared up. O.K. maybe it isn't a miracle but just the fact that I have the strength and energy to wash my face before I go to bed every night. I do still have a small patch of eczema on my face. It never got as bad as it did with my last two pregnancies. The rash on my back and chest also went away! Woohoo! I'm also carrying the baby different ( I think. ) I just sort of stopped growing. I also still weigh the same. Only gained two pounds. I think it's mostly in my boobs. I went to the Dr. today for more blood work. I can't stand it when they put that tape on my arm. The kind that takes your skin off. I took a pic of it right after I took off the tape. If it gets any worse, I will share another pic with you. I go to the Dr. on Wed. for a regular check-up, and again 2-3 weeks after that for a second ultrasound. You know what that means! I have been filling out forms, and more forms, and more forms. A.J.'s school registration, Hospital pre-registration, requests for immunization exemption.....the list goes on! But I'm way ahead of schedule, of course. We have a lot going on. I'm going to Vegas in April, to Destin in May, then of course June ,July and August come with their own hecticness.