Oh, and I purchased my first baby girl nursery item. I found this throw at T.J. Max for twenty. This will give you an idea of what Micah's room will look like. I'm not a pink person! Purple and blue are the colors I prefer. I was telling my sister this on the phone and she said she is the same way. Yet I hear, once Micah gets here, I most likely will change my mind. (I highly doubt it) I also am not a big bow person. I like ribbons. Loose floppy ribbons. I almost went with a Raggedy Anne theme and wouldn't put it past me if I go back to that. For now its trees and flowers. Now I will be shopping for bumper fabric to match this quilt. I think I found some at Ikea.

1 comment:
I love that picture of AJ! Also, I love that quilt! The colors in it are great. It will make a really cute nursery. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Love, Katherine
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