Starting week 19 and things are feeling not so crazy. I am not as apprehensive about having a daughter as I was before. I am actually very excited. I just want to protect her from all the people that don't raise their daughter's the way I will. For instance, NO BIKINIS! When I see little girls in bikinis I wonder if there parents have any idea what they are telling their children by letting them wear them. Sure they're cute. ( the miniature bikinis that is) But if they're showing that much skin at that young of an age, whats left for the teenage age years. Or better yet, what kind of message are we sending them about their bodies? Just a thought. Hope I didn't offend anyone. I know, we are all different. So how should I approach the subject when friends or family members give things that I don't approve of, and they want to see her in them or play with them. Should I approach them in private, only if it becomes an issue? Or, should I explain anyway, that we will be exchanging the item for something more appropriate, and offer my reasoning for it, so not to run into this issue again. I pray that the Lord will put the words right into my mouth! I don't want to be a B! or confrontational really at all. It is our jobs as parents to protect our children from the fallen world we live in. Especially at such a young age.
A.j. picked these at the park for me on Sunday. I wish I had taken my camera with me. On the way into the park, these little patches of periwinkle blue flowers were everywhere. There is a little pond to the left with a fountain in the middle. I couldn't believe that in such a populated area, there was a white crane drinking from the water's edge. It spread its enormous wings and flew to the other side. A.J. seemed to think that bird was capable of picking us up and flying away with us. Sometimes I forget how big everything looks when you're that small. It was race weekend so the air smelt of smoked BBQ and was filled with the sound of racing cars. We saw the blimp flying over the track. I tried to explain to A.J. that there were people inside the little box on the bottom. He thought that was so cool! Maybe someday we will get to ride inside a blimp.

These are buds on my wisteria. I'm so excited for them to bloom! I planted this vine three years ago and this is the first year it has decide to flower.

I think people should just repect your feelings and the way you choose to raise your children regardless of their beliefs. Same as the Santa Clause issue, you have gotten through with most of our family. But I would say mention it aside where the person doesn't feel belittled but understands its just your choice, but you appreciate the thoughtfulness in the gift. If someone where to give my child The Golden Compass movie, no way would we watch it. I would just exchange it but let them know (if they come over a lot) that I prefer not to have that movie (or whatever it is)
I think so too, but the world is full of opinionated people who have no concept of consideration. I'm guilty! A friend of mine brought up a good point. She said the person who shopped for the item had a lot of fun doing it and I shouldn't spoil that for them unless it is absolutly impossible to dodge.
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