In case you are wondering that "Hhhhhhhh" is me sighing. I do that a lot when I'm prego. Especially towards the end of the Day. Have I mentioned how excited A.J. is about the baby? It really is cute to watch him talk about there not being enough room for Daddy. He seems to think Daddy is going to get kicked out of bed and pushed away from the dinner table. Not sure where those thoughts came from. Ben is the one I'm worried about. He sure is a lover and I'm sure he will love the new baby but he also tends to get jealous and fight for my attention. Until he gets it. Which is a long time sometimes. Especially when I start nursing. I have toyed around with the idea of not nursing this baby for as long, but I don't think my boobies could get any flatter so it probably doesn't matter. Andy says I can get a boob job for my fortieth. We'll see. Oh yeah and get this. Andy volunteered to get a vasectomy after this baby. I brought it up in a conversation earlier and he says, " I have been thinking about it and I don't think I want to do it anymore. If we have four kids no big deal." I about died! I am freaking out about having three as it is. What is he thinking? Oh, and the crankiness this time around is overwhelming. I really don't want to be cranky to Andy but it just comes out. I wish he would blog sometimes, I bet his response would be funny.
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