My side of the story!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Allowing my 5 yr old to hit back................
This use to be an issue between Andy and I. I was all about talking your way out of everything or simply just walking away. I didn't want my sweet little boy to hit at all. Andy quickly explained to me that if we don't teach him to be comfortable with standing up for himself now, he won't ever do it. I believe in resolving things early before it becomes a habit so I understood and agreed. We have always taught A.J. not to hit girls or small children but there are some girls and small children who try to bully him that are going to learn a lesson. I know it isn't our place to teach someone's kids a lesson. But it is our job as parents to make sure they can defend themselves and give them the tools to do it. A couple years ago, A.J. was playing with a friend's toy. The friend is a little over a year younger than A.J. but very big. She/He came to take her/his toy back and A.J. wasn't done. The friend began pushing and A.J. said stop and put his hand on the friend's chest to hold her/him away. The friend began screaming and hitting and A.J. hit her/him back. I felt bad for a second and realized A.J. had to show his position on the matter. Sometimes I'm afraid people view him as a bully because he is older but he is still just standing up for himself. If A.J. were to hit an older kid I hope they would hit him back so he would know what their position is. Trust me, my kid doesn't just go around hitting for no reason. He has to be bullied or taunted. We are going to put A.J. in some kind of karate class so he can learn when it is acceptable to fight back, and how to do it. I would like to hear some opinions on this matter.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Starting week eight

O.K. moving right along.................I'm starting week eight, and feeling it. I'm very exhausted. Especially in the evenings. All I can do is lay down and feel my mouth salivating and not because I'm hungry. I am very thirsty these days and drink a lot of water. When I do feel hungry, it is usually a very short window of opportunity that I have to take advantage of immediately. Occasionally, I can't talk myself into getting up to fix something and miss my chance of having dinner. My bladder seems to fill up pretty quickly. I don't mean that I'm constantly going to the bathroom, I mean it happens all at once. One min. I don't have to go and the next, I have to go now. I don't remember that with my last two. I am grateful that my morning sickness comes in the evenings when Andy can help because my mornings, well, there's no time! No one can tell in this picture that I'm showing but I can feel a very small, hard bulge poking over the top of my pubic bone. I will post another pic at twelve weeks and I bet you will see a little something then.
Thursday, January 17, 2008

In case you are wondering that "Hhhhhhhh" is me sighing. I do that a lot when I'm prego. Especially towards the end of the Day. Have I mentioned how excited A.J. is about the baby? It really is cute to watch him talk about there not being enough room for Daddy. He seems to think Daddy is going to get kicked out of bed and pushed away from the dinner table. Not sure where those thoughts came from. Ben is the one I'm worried about. He sure is a lover and I'm sure he will love the new baby but he also tends to get jealous and fight for my attention. Until he gets it. Which is a long time sometimes. Especially when I start nursing. I have toyed around with the idea of not nursing this baby for as long, but I don't think my boobies could get any flatter so it probably doesn't matter. Andy says I can get a boob job for my fortieth. We'll see. Oh yeah and get this. Andy volunteered to get a vasectomy after this baby. I brought it up in a conversation earlier and he says, " I have been thinking about it and I don't think I want to do it anymore. If we have four kids no big deal." I about died! I am freaking out about having three as it is. What is he thinking? Oh, and the crankiness this time around is overwhelming. I really don't want to be cranky to Andy but it just comes out. I wish he would blog sometimes, I bet his response would be funny.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Sweet Ham

Monday, January 7, 2008

This has to be the most unsatisfying cup of coffee I have ever drank. I drink coffee just about every morning. Isn't it sad when you have to exclude caffeine and cut down on sugar when you become pregnant. I guess you don't HAVE to but I always do. Well, I use to not be able to tell a difference between caffinated and decaff coffee, but that has since changed! At this point I would get more enjoyment out of just drinking the creamer. Ooh. Actually that doesn't sound good. I feel pregnant. The fatigue and nausea has set in. I really haven't felt like puking, just got a queasy stomach. I plan on blogging through my entire pregnancy so prepare to be amazed, disgusted, warmhearted and very, very informed. To be continued..........
Tha Weekend!!!!!

This is the weekend that we started on our spring cleaning. First, I want to show you how Ben got Daddy out of bed. I ran to get my camera because Ben was blowing spit bubbles. It was hilarious. When I returned, they were playing this game" Wake the Daddy".

We did a lot this weekend. Andy cleaned the garage while I did some projects inside. A couple weeks ago Ben pulled a lit candle down off the half wall and it spilled all over the couch. It took me a while to figure out how I was going to clean it. Here are before and after pictures.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Baby Micah

So, Most of you have heard by now that we are expecting baby number 3. Baby was mistakenly conceived sometime in Dec. , and not planned for until this summer. I am in shock! Wow! I would like to explain to you the incredible blessing and love that I feel from God right now. About twelve years ago, before I even knew Andy, I had a vision of myself having two boys. That is all there was, just two boys. So, I thought I probably wouldn't get to have anymore. Last month I thought I might be pregnant and the test was negative but the Lord told me he had something special for me. A surprise. About four days ago I was in prayer and God gave me a name for this possible baby I suspected . The name is Micah. Boy or Girl. This morning, I took an HPT and it was confirmed that baby Micah should be entering the world around Sept. 9th. I fell to my knees in tears praising my Father for the overwhelming joy that I felt. This has all happened so fast and I am still in shock and unprepared. I find my strength in knowing that the Lord will provide for us and everything will be fine.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Puppy?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy 2008

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope this year is filled with good health and prosperity. I have a few goals for this year. To eat healthier, exercise more, play more, and work less. Also, I plan on getting pregnant with number three, praying more, painting more, and traveling more. This is a picture of The Best pot of black eyed peas I have ever made! I wish I had some left to share.
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About Us

- Kiki
- Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!