My side of the story!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I know its been a while! I'm getting some work done and then I'll be back to post a FEW blogs!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Dr. Appt
I measured at 2.3 cm this time. He said everything looks pretty firm right now. Not too concerned about doing surgery right away, but he still needs to keep an eye on it and will check it again in three weeks. Still, all the same rules apply. I guess it was good news to hear I don't need surgery right away. It would be better if it were set in stone.
Baby Micah is doing great. I think she turned head down a couple nights ago. I kept waking up all night feeling like she was stretching from the left side of my belly to the right. It was a sore, getting kicked in the stomach, kind of feeling.
I'm having a hard time controlling my sugar intake, as I had with my other two. There have been too many occasions to bake a cake for, or make cookies. So sweets seem to be everywhere for me. The temptation is too strong. I dumped the rest of the cake this morning so I wouldn't eat anymore. I am going to try to make broccoli salad for lunch. Hopefully, it still sounds good to me by then. Oh, my broccoli went bad already. That didn't take long. O.K., chicken salad. No, cookies! J/K
Baby Micah is doing great. I think she turned head down a couple nights ago. I kept waking up all night feeling like she was stretching from the left side of my belly to the right. It was a sore, getting kicked in the stomach, kind of feeling.
I'm having a hard time controlling my sugar intake, as I had with my other two. There have been too many occasions to bake a cake for, or make cookies. So sweets seem to be everywhere for me. The temptation is too strong. I dumped the rest of the cake this morning so I wouldn't eat anymore. I am going to try to make broccoli salad for lunch. Hopefully, it still sounds good to me by then. Oh, my broccoli went bad already. That didn't take long. O.K., chicken salad. No, cookies! J/K
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
The wonderful Man who pulled it all off !!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you spectacular mommies out there!

Wow! What a Great day! We started out going to breakfast at the Lonesome Spur in town, which I have to say, has the largest portions of any restaurant I've ever been to. I had the Cowboy omelet. That was loaded with cheese, sausage, ham, bacon, Jalps, onions and tomatoes! Yum! A.J. had a short stack that may have been short, but carried a very large diameter. Wish I had my camera. Andy had a concoction of scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon on top of biscuits and smothered in gravy. Ben just had a little of everything! Then we headed out to Grapevine lake to find some shells, rocks, do a little fishing and get messy! After that, we came home for a nice afternoon nap. We woke up and I was treated with nice greetings, a great spaghetti dinner and my favorite, vanilla cake with chocolate icing. We then sat out front and played as the sun set, and soon, turned in for the night!
At some point in the day I realized that Mother's Day was mine. But, there was nothing else I'd rather do, than to Mother. My kids are amazing! I also realized that I have no memories of Mother's day with my own Mom. I'm sure they were amazing to her. I just don't remember them.
We went to Church last night so we could sleep in! Which was wonderful! There was a very touching testimony that related to the Holiday. Go to to see the service for yourself.
Happy Mother's Day to all you spectacular mommies out there!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Brother + Bat = Booboo
So, I was searching for proof of residency so we could sign A.J. up for school and while I was rushing that, the boys snuck out back to play until I had what I needed. Next thing I know I hear a TING and a WHAAAA! I dropped everything except my heart which was in my throat, and ran outside. I asked what was wrong with Ben and A.J. said he accidentally hit Ben in the mouth but didn't see anything. Well, it wasn't his mouth..............
Ben is pretty tough........cried for 1 min.

Ben is pretty tough........cried for 1 min.

Here are today's pictures.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
May Fest......

Yes, we bit the bullet and ran out to may fest to waist money on a few cavities and extra poundage. That is how it feels. We really had a lot of fun. Spending money on the overpriced food and rides comes with the package. We were only there for two hours, which was plenty! We have started a Total Money Makeover and Dave Ramsey would not approve! Well, Enjoy the pics.
Friday, May 2, 2008

22 weeks - +10 lb.s
I went to the Dr. wed. and got some not so good news. I want to back up and tell you again how this works. 4 cm or more is a good measurement. 3-4 is o.k. 2-3 cm is a very grey area and anything less than two needs a cerclage. The first measurement was 3 cm. My second measurement was 3.4 cm so I had good news. Yesterday's measurement was 2.4 :( within a matter of three weeks I dropped a whole cm. I have to get measured again in two weeks, on my birthday, and if it is less than two they will operate. The Dr. acts like it is no big deal but then they say things like, no traveling, High risk, Take it easy, incompetent cervix, keep your eyes open for any additional mucus, pinkish discharge, pre-labor symptoms and if you have any of this or anything abnormal we really need you to let us know. So, the researcher in me gets on the Internet to find out all I can about this operation and my symptoms. It isn't ever a good idea to do that when you have something like this.
I have moved Ben's changing pad to the floor, put away his high chair and gave him a seat at the small table, and taught him how to climb into his car seat. ( I don't want to risk lifting him ) Maybe by taking it easy I will reduce the risk of an operation that we really can't afford.
So, I have to say goodbye to the Destin trip. Really to any trip at all until we figure this out. And a lot of other things I planned on doing before little Micah gets here. Oh, and I think we have a middle name picked out but we aren't telling anyone until its on the birth certificate. We got a couple people trying to talk us out of the name Micah, which we love, and if they don't like that name, they're really not going to like the middle name. Maybe this will help them keep their disappointment to themselves. Or not?
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- Kiki
- Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!