So, I'll start explaining the title of this post by going back about 4-5 years. I had a root canal done on #19. (My sister explained to me that you start counting teeth from the upper right in the back, all the way around to the left, straight down and all the way around to the right again. This also includes wisdom teeth, even if they have been pulled.) The root canal didn't work. I was still in pain. Went back to the dentist for a second root canal on the same tooth about 6 months later.He was very rude to me and asked if I have bad things happen to me often; while working on my tooth without gloves or a mask on. He said he didn't see anything wrong. There was nothing more he could do. He filled the crown and gave me some antibiotics. I should also mention that while he worked on me the second time, the shots didn't work. I felt everything. Now I'm suspicious that he even gave me anything since it came out of his pocket. Later, during routine x-rays, I found out he left a file inside my tooth. A few months after the second root canal, my crown broke. The side of it chipped off. Wouldn't you know that for the next 4 years after that I was either pregnant or nursing and not able to go back and have it replaced? Do I really want him back in my mouth anyway? NO WAY! So to make a long story short, I have been battling with a chipped, painful, food collecting tooth for a long time!
I was out on a photo session the other day, chewing a piece of gum and wouldn't you know it that filling came out of the center and crumbled. I didn't want to explain or stop shooting so I quickly mixed the pieces in with my gum and tucked it into the side of my mouth. Full service photographer right there!! JK
I went in to an oral surgeon and found that the reason I have been in pain so long is that the original dentist did not go all the way down into the root, leaving underlying infection in there. This has caused some bone degeneration. What next? Pull the tooth! Just pull it! I'll figure the rest out later! Seriously. The Dentist recommended sedation because of the way he would have to cut the tooth out. For financial reasons, I opted for the local and some laughing gas. It saved me three hundred dollars and gave me a whole new perspective on the connection I have with my teeth.
Here comes the crazy stuff. I went in at 6:45 yesterday morning. They got me settled in the chair with a blanket and some oxygen. Then came the laughing gas. As I started to feel my body relax, I remembered: this uncomfortable, yet familiar state of sub-conscious. Breathing from my nose but feeling the urge to swallow every five seconds. And not really knowing what to do with the rest of my body. I have always felt in tune with my body but I never realized it did not include my teeth. This has changed. I started praying that God would direct these Dr.s and everything would turn out well. I asked God to forgive me for not taking better care of my teeth as a young adult. As I heard the cracking and popping of this tooth being pulled from my mouth, and realized that something that was as alive and a part of me as a limb or finger, was going to be tossed into the trash, I was saddened. I felt as though I had failed my mouth.
I remember the sound of the saw as it cut down through my gums to get to the roots, occasionally hitting my jaw and coming to a jagged halt. My entire head would shake. I suddenly became aware of the beauty of dentistry. The miraculous way God decided to connect every part of us. The detail put into the way our teeth are joined to our bodies. It was incredible. There was a point they couldn't decide if the job was done or if there was something beyond the blood and bone. This dentist was determined! I am thankful. As he pulled the last piece out he exclaimed "We did it!" as if it were a sport for him. The infection was cleaned out and the hole was sewn up, and I am eternally grateful for my remaining teeth.
Kiki Renee'
My side of the story!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Warm Summer Rain
Wow, I won't even go there. I know.
I've been busy and it seems that my childrens' lives have been a huge part
of my photography business. So, here I am

with a little slice of Heaven.
Just as I was getting Micah down from the highchair and ready for the bath, it started pooring.
I was a bit confused by the sound because the windows were glowing with their normal evening glow. It was raining and bright and sunny. 

So we took advantage..........
So we took advantage..........
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A lot of Things
So, a lot has been going on in our neck of the woods......I have been requested to take a lot of pictures over the years. Eventually, I was told to start charging for them. In fear that I might not enjoy photography anymore, or not be able to produce quality work, I couldn't quite take the initial steps necessary. Until recently that is. I'm taking baby steps and just going with it. I think this next year holds much growth! Happy new year, All! Try, try, and try again!
Throwing rocks into a nearby pond
Throwing rocks into a nearby pond
Saturday, November 28, 2009
No pics this time.
I just need to get some stuff off my chest. Wow, my kids have been crazy the last week. Maybe it came in with the cooler weather?? So Ben got a hold of a bottle of nail polish off the island. He came into the bathroom saying "Mommy, I need help!" He had it everywhere! All over his hands and face. This afternoon, I was trying to finish an order and he and Micah went into the pantry to explore..........never a good thing. I went in to check on them thinking maybe they were eating all the cereal or chips or something pretty typical. NO!!! As I walked in Ben was pouring a package of grape kool-aid into Micah's hair. They were both covered in two shades of red. By the time I had it cleaned up, They had swam in 6 packets of kool-aid. They both went to bed with pink faces tonight. AJ watched them in the tub for me so I could clean up the mess. When I returned to the bathroom, Ben had thrown some toys at AJ and the floor was covered in water. I guess that's pretty normal though. Ben dumped out 4 different types of legos today while I was finishing up 3 e-mails! We have been going round and round with the pooing on the potty thing. He holds it until my back is turned. Today he did a little dance and sang "ha ha, I pottied in my pants." As if he were doing it just to irritate me! Little toot! Is this a cry for attention or what?? I'm in the process of planning Benny-pie day. We'll see if things calm down after a few of those.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
..........smell my feet
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Another accident!
Poor Ben. He just seems to be accident prone. He was running toward his brother and a cousin who were playing tennis with a squishy ball. As he approached them, the cousin was swinging the racket around and Ben ran right into it. Knocked one tooth back and broke the two on either side of it. He is really sore today. We are hoping the one tooth moves back into place by itself. In the meantime, we will be visiting a dentist to make sure there was no serious damage to the gums or permanent teeth in there. This breaks my heart. He keeps saying,"My toof boken, Mommy!"
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- Kiki
- Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!