My side of the story!

Friday, July 3, 2009

CO part:3

We did a lot of hanging around enjoying each others' company. Played with babies..........
Spied on babies...........
This is something the girls do often I guess. Standing at the window picking leaves off the vine throwing them out after being shredded into millions of tiny pieces. Sounds like fun, yes?

Ben is going to get me for this.When we're at home he likes to change clothes a lot!! like 3-4 times a day. We call him our own personal Fashion Consultant. He usually goes for his P.J.s. He loves pajama day!
I guess he decided it was ok to make himself at home. Found some pink ferry pajamas that seemed soft enough. After the laugh I took him to the room to get his clothes back on. He had the girls underwear and pink socks on as well!!!! I couldn't believe it. He didn't see any difference. This is what he does on a daily basis. What the heck??

Hope you enjoyed that at Ben's expense!!

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Andy and I started dating in July of 1998, and got married in March of 2002. We have two boys ages 6 and 2, and a baby girl. It honestly is difficult being married and raising children, but we wouldn't change it for the world! It is a life worth living!